About the Journal
Journal subjects: Medicine, Basic Medical Science, Immunology, Clinical Medicine, other.
Types of manuscripts accepted for publication: original research articles, scientific reviews and case reports in all areas of Medicine.
Language: English
ISSN: 0324-1750
еISSN: 2719-5384
This journal is published quarterly with 4 issues annually. It provides immediate open access to its content so as to make research freely available to the public in support of a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Each issue is also available in print, and is distributed to libraries and medical organizations etc. If you'd like to receive a print or digital copy, please subscribe.
All manuscripts are subject to peer review and are expected to meet high academic standards. If approved by the editor, submissions will be considered by peer reviewers whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors (single blinded).
The median peer review turnaround is 4-8 weeks. The time from acceptance to publication is from 4 weeks to 4 months. The current acceptance rate is approx. 40 %. About 10-20 % of articles are rejected upon submission and do not reach peer-review, due to lack of compliance with the Journal’s Author Guidelines or English language issues. An average of 20 articles are submitted each month, of which 70-80% are original research articles, and the remaining are case reports and review articles.
AMB is covered by a range of indices, such as Scopus, CABI: Global Health Database, DOAJ, Embase, EBSCO, Elsevier - Reaxys, ExLibris, Google Scholar, etc (see full list).
Scopus Cite Score 2023: 0.3
SJR 2023: 0.12
There are currently no article processing costs to authors. This journal is funded by the Medical University – Sofia.
The journal is managed and published with funds from the Medical University – Sofia, and with the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science under the procedure "Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals" 2025, with contract КП-06-НП6/52 from 04.12.2024.