Information For Authors

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines.

Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the simple step by step process. 


  • Create New Account

1. To create a new account, click the “Register” button at the top right hand corner of the webpage.
2. Fill in the short form. Make sure to fill the mandatory fields marked with *. Click “Register” once you are ready.
3. When you fill all the required fields and click on register, this will appear:

  • Submit a manuscript

1. To submit a manuscript, go to your profile > Dashboard.
2. Click on "Back to submission":

3. Click on "New submission" to start your submission. 

4. On the next screen you should insert the title of your manuscript and the type of submission. Click the boxes in the "Submission checklist" and "Privacy consent" forms. 
5. On the next step you should input the keywords (each one followed by the "Enter" key), the body of your abstract and the references (each one on new line, numbered with Arabic numerals in order of appearance):


6. Upload the file with your manuscript as well as any other documents you wish to be evaluated (you have to specify what kind of file this is):

7. Fill in any co-authors (contributors) of the article (with their full names, emails, nationality, affiliation etc.) and state who the primary contact is. Your data will be filled automatically:

8. Next step is "Comment to the editor" if you wish to add any:

9. Check your input for any mistakes before submitting it.

10. If you are sure everything is correct, click on "Submit". After submitting, this will appear with the following options:

11. You will receive an email confirming your submission. You will also be notified by email when your manuscript is accepted/declined or needs any corrections.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.