Minimally invasive gingival recession treatment by using VISTA combined with PRF and collagen membrane: a case report
platelet-rich fi brin, gingival recession, VISTA, collagen membraneAbstract
Root exposure generates major concerns regarding aesthetics and other problems like hypersensitivity and root caries. Gingival recession has traditionally been treated by periodontal plastic surgery, often using soft tissue grafts to fi ll the defect with excellent clinical results. Advancements in root coverage procedures in the aesthetic zone have led to increasing the ability of clinicians to harness a treatment modality that delivers better outcomes with less surgical morbidity. Collagen membrane is most commonly used for guided tissue regeneration (GTR). On the other hand, platelet-rich fi brin (PRF) has gained popularity due to its simple method of acquisition, low cost and the presence of growth factors. Therefore, this case report describes the treatment of a 38-year-old patient with bilateral multiple Miller’s class I recession defects extending from central incisors to canines by using the vestibular incision subperiosteal tunnel access (VISTA) with PRF and collagen membrane. Clinical parameters such as recession height (RH) and width of keratinised gingiva (WKG) were measured at 6-month and 1-year follow up intervals. The 6-month follow-up revealed optimum root coverage with excellent outcomes for both sites, with an increase in the width of keratinised gingiva and a decrease in the recession height, and less discomfort in the site treated with a PRF membrane. These clinical parameters were maintained at the 1-year follow up. The increase in the width of keratinised gingiva and the decrease in the recession height in both groups and the patient compliance due to this minimally invasive procedure suggests its potential use when aesthetics and patient comfort are of paramount concern.
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