Role of electrophysiologal studies for detection of simulation and aggravation in ophthalmology
electrophysiology, electroretinography, visual evoked potentials, aggravation, simulationAbstract
Objective: To present the importance of the electrophysiological studies for detection of malingering and aggravation in ophthalmology. Materials and methods: Six eyes of three patients underwent a complete clinical examination, fundus-autofl uorescence (FAF), fl uorescein angiography (FA), optical coherence tomography (OCT), visual fi eld testing, electrophysiological (EF) studies – full-fi eld, multifocal and pattern electroretinography (ff ERG, mfERG and PERG) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs), for detection of simulation or aggravation. Results: After the electrophysiological studies’ results, which are objective and non-manipulable, we purposefully reviewed and repeated some of the tests already done, which allowed a comprehensive interpretation of the results. It turned out that discrete changes in targeted search can be detected in several of the studies performed, which greatly facilitates the correct diagnosis. Conclusion: EF studies are objective methods for studying the visual analyzer’s function, that can not be manipulated, which makes them indispensable for detecting simulation and aggravation in ophthalmology. A detailed extensive study of the degree of simulation and aggravation among the ophthalmological patients is needed, which will enrich our knowledge and make us more precise in our expertise.
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