Intrascrotal Incision: An Alternative Technique for the Management of Inguinoscrotal Pathologies, Experience from 76 Cases
intrascrotal incision, midline incision, mid raphe orchiopexy, inguinoscrotal pathologiesAbstract
The aim of this clinical study was to present our experience gained by using the intrascrotal incision through the mid raphe for the management of a variety of inguinoscrotal pathologies.
Materials and Methods
A total of 76 male patients, between 2 and 16 years, underwent surgical treatment through a mid raphe intrascrotal incision, for a wide range of inguinoscrotal diseases, including torsion of the spermatic cord, torsion of the testicular appendages, non-communicating hydrocele, communicating hydrocele, ectopic testis, retractile testicles, palpable undescended testis, testicular trauma and testicular prosthesis placement.
All the patients had an uneventful postoperative recovery, with none mentioned complication, and none of them required convention to the traditional inguinal method. The follow-up examination ranged from 6 months to 3 years, with no surgical complication highlighted.
We recommend that the intrascrotal incision through the mid raphe may be considered as an alternative technique to inguinoscrotal pathologies, instead of other approaches. The ability to treat a variety of pathologies regarding both two hemi-scrotums and the inguinal region at the same time, the provision of adequate surgical site, while succeeding much less dissection and disruption of tissue, the excellent cosmetic result, the greater comfort for the ‘day-case’ child, the ability to use the scrotal septum in order to fix the testis in the scrotum and the avoidance of an extra incision are the main advantages of the intrascrotal incision.
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